“Because of the Hypopressive conditioning, I can now do more activities and feel confident that I have the pelvic strength to do them.”

In my spare time I worked as a fitness instructor so after the birth of my son, I was very eager to get back into the gym and get moving! I was feeling fantastic but at 6 weeks postpartum I discovered I had a grade 2 cystocele (bladder prolapse) as a result of a very weak pelvic floor. I was so focused on pregnancy and then on taking care of a newborn that I had not even thought of my own need to recover.

It is a hard diagnosis to be given as you are basically told all physical activities need to be stopped, possible forever. After a few tears, I sought out methods of improvement and pelvic floor friendly workouts. Luckily I stumbled on Trista’s website and was introduced to the wonderful world of Hypopressives.

Trista is a wonderful instructor, full of knowledge, support and enthusiasm. I am now 6.5 months postpartum and have been doing Hypopressives daily for the past 3. The results speak for themselves, I have been able to strengthen my pelvic floor while toning and shaping my core.

prolapse story, www.coresetfitness.com, hypopressive ftiness

prolapse story, www.coresetfitness.com, hypopressive ftiness

prolapse story, www.coresetfitness.com, hypopressive ftiness

Because of the Hypopressive conditioning, I can now do more activities (Yahoo!) and feel confident that I have the pelvic strength to do them (as discussed with my pelvic floor physio who works direct with Trista). Another bonus is I almost have my pre-pregancy body back, which is no small feat given I have only been able to walk and do Hypopressives up to this point.

Anyone suffering from or looking to prevent pelvic floor issues needs to learn this technique!!

W.L. June 5, 2016